April Founder's Letter

April 2023

Dear Friends,

I hesitate to share my newspaper column from this month because I know that politics is divisive and I don’t want to contribute to more divisiveness in our culture. I think we are lulled into an “us vs. them” narrative from every news source and social media post we consume. I certainly am not immune to getting sucked in. My intention in my life is to lead with love and to do so I feel I have to face some really uncomfortable things.

For me, politics has been an area I’ve really struggled to find peace and equanimity. I find it really hard to accept politicians that do things that result in people losing their rights or their lives. I share this column about school shootings with you from The Aspen Times because I want to be part of a conversation. I do not know the answers. My heart is hurting. I feel confused and upset like a lot of you do. I welcome your thoughts and perspectives. I want to learn and grow and evolve. I want things to change. I want us all to feel safe.

Here is a link to some statistics from Education Week presenting big-picture data on school shootings that resulted in injuries or deaths since 2018. I want us all to take a moment to look at this, think about it, feel it, and do whatever we can to change it.

In the wake of school shootings and the trauma our kids, parents, teachers and staff are experiencing, we are glad to be working with Columbia University and Dr. Lisa Miller to offer The Awakened Schools Initiative Valley wide. Please reach out if you want more info to get involved in this remarkable program.

Helping the helpers

In other Lead with Love organizational news, I am inspired by work we are doing with CASA of the Ninth, First Responders and other individuals and organizations to help support caregivers and volunteers. We are fielding more and more requests for support and tools for people who work with trauma and suffering. This is something I am personally very passionate about - using my training in self-care practices like yoga and meditation and Spiritual Psychology to help those who are out there helping others. Please reach out to me if you are someone with skills and a a desire to help, or if you or your organization are in need of these types of services, or if you are someone who wants to fund this type of work.

A Lead with Love Retreat in Italia Sept 23-30!

In other, other Lead with Love news, I am incredibly excited to announce we are back in business hosting retreats! I’ve been spending more time in Europe these days and I felt a strong desire to host a gathering of friends in Italy this year. "La Dolce Vita" or sweet life in Italy with a focus on food, family, fun and friends, speaks to me. I found the perfect venue that I can not wait to share with you. It's going to be really special.

Me and my beautiful soul sister Elisa Bava and other special guest teachers will be co-hosting this Lead with Love Retreat Sept 23-30, 2023Here’s a sneak peak at the venue and services. Please reply to me at this email if you get that, “I am IN!!!” feeling once you see the place. Space is super limited so I wanted to share the dates and venue while we are building out the packages. 

Our annual Lead with Love summit in Aspen and other retreats around the world always felt so good and I want to be part of that energy again. I hope you will save the dates Sept 23-30, 2023 and join us!

That’s all for now. Well, except for the BIG news that Allegra and Bijoux just turned TWO! OMG, I am so very grateful for the incredible gift of being their mama.

With Love and Gratitude to each of you for the preciousness that is you.


erin greenwood